Howard J. Edenberg, PhD
Distinguished Professor
Chancellor's Professor, IUPUI
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Professor of Medical & Molecular Genetics
- Phone
- (317) 274-2353
- Address
635 Barnhill Drive
Medical Science, Room 406
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5122 - PubMed:
Dr. Edenberg is a molecular biologist and geneticist currently focusing upon complex psychiatric disorders, particularly substance use disorders and bipolar disorder. His early work was on the mechanisms of DNA repair and DNA replication in mammalian cells, and included the development of in vitro systems in which to study them. He became interested in genes involved in alcohol metabolism and cloned several alcohol dehydrogenase genes (ADHs) and studied their regulation in different cell types. He developed the first PCR-based methods for genotyping variants in the ADH and aldehyde dehydrogenase genes, and with colleagues demonstrated that functional variants in three of these genes affected risk for alcoholism. This led to an interest in alcoholism and other complex genetic diseases, and in applying genomics to understand them. He has been a leader in a major family study, the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism, now in its 34th year, and has studied how alcohol exposure affects gene expression in cells and in the brains of rodents and humans. He founded and until recently ran the Center for Medical Genomics, bringing genomic technology to the Indiana University School of Medicine. More recently he is a leader in the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, a global initiative to carry out meta-analyses of psychiatric and substance-use disorders. He is also carrying out massively parallel reporter assays to determine which genetic variants affect gene expression. He has won several major awards for his work over the decades, including the Distinguished Researcher Award and the Henri Begleiter Excellence in Research Award from the Research Society on Alcohol, and the Valued Colleague Award from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.
Key Publications
Edenberg HJ, McClintick JN. (2018) Alcohol dehydrogenases, aldehyde dehydrogenases and alcohol use disorders: a critical review. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 42, 2281-2297. PMID: 30320893.
Smoller JW, Andreassen OA, Edenberg HJ, Faraone SV, Glatt SJ, Kendler KS. (2019) Psychiatric genetics and the structure of psychopathology. Mol Psychiatry 24, 409-420. PMID: 29317742.
Walters RK, Polimanti R … Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A. (2018) Transancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders. Nature Neuroscience 21(12):1656–1669. PMID: 30482948.
Zhou H, … Edenberg HJ, … Gelernter J. (2023) Multi-ancestry study of the genetics of problematic alcohol use in >1 million individuals. Nature Medicine, in press. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Jan 30:2023.01.24.23284960. PMID: 36747741; PMCID: PMC9901058.
Hatoum, A.S., Colbert … Edenberg, H.J., Bogdan, R., & Agrawal, A. (2023) Multivariate genome-wide association meta-analysis of over 1 million subjects identifies loci underlying multiple substance use disorders. Nat. Mental Health 1, 210–223. PMID: 37250466
Kapoor M, Chao MJ … Edenberg HJ, Marcora E, Agrawal A, Goate A. (2021) Multi-omics integration analysis identifies novel genes for alcoholism with potential overlap with neurodegenerative diseases. Nat Commun. 12(1):5071. PMID: 34417470.
Thapa KS, Chen AB, Lai D, Xuei X, Wetherill L, Tischfield JA, Liu Y, Edenberg HJ. (2020) Identification of Functional Genetic Variants Associated with Alcohol Dependence and Related Phenotypes Using a High-Throughput Assay. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 44, 2494 – 2518. PMID: 33119910.
Deak JD, … Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A, Polimanti R, Kranzler HR, Gelernter J. (2022) Genome-wide association study in individuals of European and African ancestry and multi-trait analysis of opioid use disorder identifies 19 independent genome-wide significant risk loci. Mol Psychiatry 27, 3970-3979. PMID: 35879402. PMCID: PMC9718667.
Popova D, … Edenberg HJ, Tischfield JA, Pang ZP, Slesinger PA, Hart RP. (2022) Alcohol reverses the effects of KCNJ6 (GIRK2) noncoding variants on excitability of human glutamatergic neurons. Mol Psychiatry. 28, 746–758. PMID: 36207584. PMCID: PMC9542475
Baranger DAA, Hatoum AS, Polimanti R, Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Bogdan R, Agrawal A. (2023) Multi-omics cannot replace sample size in genome-wide association studies. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 2023;e12846. PMID: 36977197. doi:10.1111/gbb.12846
Zhang P, Edenberg HJ, Nurnberger J, Lai D, Cheng F, Liu Y. (2022) Alcohol use disorder is associated with higher risks of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases: A study of US insurance claims data. Alzheimer's Dement. 14:e12370. PMID: 36419637. PMCID: PMC9677510.
Li R, Reiter JL, Chen AB, Chen SX, Foroud T, Edenberg HJ, Lai D, Liu Y. (2023) RNA alternative splicing impacts the risk for alcohol use disorder. Mol Psychiatry 28, 2922–2933. PMID: 37217680. PMCID: PMC10615768
Agrawal A, Brislin SJ, Bucholz KK, Dick D, Hart RP, Johnson EC, Meyers J, Salvatore J, Slesinger P; COGA Collaborators; Almasy L, Foroud T, Goate A, Hesselbrock V, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Merikangas AK, Nurnberger JI, Tischfield J, Edenberg HJ, Porjesz B. (2023) The Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism: Overview. Genes Brain Behav. 22(5):e12864. PMID: 37736010. PMCID: PMC10550790
Breen G, Li Q … Sullivan PF, Collier DA, Edenberg HJ. (2016) Translating genome-wide association findings into new therapeutics for psychiatry. Nature Neuroscience 19, 1392-1396. PMID: 27786187.
Peterson R.E., Kuchenbaecker … Edenberg, H. Huang, L.E. Duncan. (2019) Genome-wide Association Studies in Ancestrally Diverse Populations: Opportunities, Methods, Pitfalls, and Recommendations. Cell 179, 589-603. PMID: 31607513
Edenberg HJ: Perspective on Beyond Statistical Significance: Finding Meaningful Effects. (2021) Complex Psychiatry 7, 1-8. PMID: 35603094.
Additional publications can be found at PubMed and myNCBI
Year | Degree | Institution |
1973 | PhD | Stanford University |
1970 | AM | Stanford University |
1968 | BA | Queens College |
My research focuses on the genetics and genomics of complex genetic disorders, especially alcohol and other substance use disorders. It spans interrelated areas that extend from genome-wide searches for genes affecting the risk for disease to molecular studies of the mechanisms by which associated variants affect gene expression, and from studies of the regulation of individual genes to genome-wide studies of expression using RNAseq and ATAC-seq, and includes the development of high throughput assays to identify functional elements in the genome. My research bridges human, animal and cellular studies to approach these complex disorders from multiple angles. I am one of the founders and leaders of the Substance Use Disorders working group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, which is assembling meta-analyses to find genes affecting risk for alcohol and other substance disorders, and of the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism, which is a family-based study combining GWAS and functional studies to help understand the disorder.
In parallel with genetic and GWAS studies, I have a long record of functional studies. I am examining global gene expression and epigenetics in post-mortem brain tissues and in cell lines derived from alcoholics and unaffected individuals and in rodent models of alcoholism using next-generation RNA sequencing, high-throughput assays, and bioinformatic approaches. My interest in functional genomics led me in 2000 to obtain competitive funding to establish the Center for Medical Genomics, which I directed until September 2016. As part of that, I helped many investigators design, analyze and interpret genomic data. I have explored analytical approaches to reducing noise and multiple-comparison issues in microarray data (relevant also to sequencing data), and contributed to bioinformatics strategies and analyses including ways to detect variants present in a small fraction of the cells (relevant to cancer). I have used these genomic technologies to study how genetics, gene expression and epigenetics are related to risk for alcoholism and other disorders. Integrating studies at these different levels, from individual genetic variations through cell models, animal models, and large-scale human studies is a promising approach toward understanding, preventing and treating devastating complex diseases.
My research on alcohol dehydrogenase genes and alcoholism was recognized by my peers in the form of election as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2007 and by my receipt of the Distinguished Researcher Award and the Henri Begleiter Excellence in Research Award, both from the Research Society on Alcohol, and the Valued Colleague Award from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.
Johnson EC; Hatoum AS; Deak JD; Polimanti R; Murray RM; Edenberg HJ; Gelernter J; Di Forti M; Agrawal A; 2021 May 5
Mullins N; Forstner AJ; O'Connell KS; Coombes B; Coleman JRI; Qiao Z; Als TD; Bigdeli TB; Børte S; Bryois J; Charney AW; Drange OK; Gandal MJ; Hagenaars SP; Ikeda M; Kamitaki N; Kim M; Krebs K; Panagiotaropoulou G; Schilder BM; Sloofman LG; Steinberg S; Trubetskoy V; Winsvold BS; Won HH; Abramova L; Adorjan K; Agerbo E; Al Eissa M; Albani D; Alliey-Rodriguez N; Anjorin A; Antilla V; Antoniou A; Awasthi S; Baek JH; Bækvad-Hansen M; Bass N; Bauer M; Beins EC; Bergen SE; Birner A; Bøcker Pedersen C; Bøen E; Boks MP; Bosch R; Brum M; Brumpton BM; Brunkhorst-Kanaan N; Budde M; Bybjerg-Grauholm J; Byerley W; Cairns M; Casas M; Cervantes P; Clarke TK; Cruceanu C; Cuellar-Barboza A; Cunningham J; Curtis D; Czerski PM; Dale AM; Dalkner N; David FS; Degenhardt F; Djurovic S; Dobbyn AL; Douzenis A; Elvsåshagen T; Escott-Price V; Ferrier IN; Fiorentino A; Foroud TM; Forty L; Frank J; Frei O; Freimer NB; Frisén L; Gade K; Garnham J; Gelernter J; Giørtz Pedersen M; Gizer IR; Gordon SD; Gordon-Smith K; Greenwood TA; Grove J; Guzman-Parra J; Ha K; Haraldsson M; Hautzinger M; Heilbronner U; Hellgren D; Herms S; Hoffmann P; Holmans PA; Huckins L; Jamain S; Johnson JS; Kalman JL; Kamatani Y; Kennedy JL; Kittel-Schneider S; Knowles JA; Kogevinas M; Koromina M; Kranz TM; Kranzler HR; Kubo M; Kupka R; Kushner SA; Lavebratt C; Lawrence J; Leber M; Lee HJ; Lee PH; Levy SE; Lewis C; Liao C; Lucae S; Lundberg M; MacIntyre DJ; Magnusson SH; Maier W; Maihofer A; Malaspina D; Maratou E; Martinsson L; Mattheisen M; McCarroll SA; McGregor NW; McGuffin P; McKay JD; Medeiros H; Medland SE; Millischer V; Montgomery GW; Moran JL; Morris DW; Mühleisen TW; O'Brien N; O'Donovan C; Olde Loohuis LM; Oruc L; Papiol S; Pardiñas AF; Perry A; Pfennig A; Porichi E; Potash JB; Quested D; Raj T; Rapaport MH; DePaulo JR; Regeer EJ; Rice JP; Rivas F; Rivera M; Roth J; Roussos P; Ruderfer DM; Sánchez-Mora C; Schulte EC; Senner F; Sharp S; Shilling PD; Sigurdsson E; Sirignano L; Slaney C; Smeland OB; Smith DJ; Sobel Nature genetics 2021 May 17
Mallard TT; Savage JE; Johnson EC; Huang Y; Edwards AC; Hottenga JJ; Grotzinger AD; Gustavson DE; Jennings MV; Anokhin A; Dick DM; Edenberg HJ; Kramer JR; Lai D; Meyers JL; Pandey AK; Harden KP; Nivard MG; de Geus EJC; Boomsma DI; Agrawal A; Davis LK; Clarke TK; Palmer AA; Sanchez-Roige S; The American journal of psychiatry 2021 May 14
Martin J; Khramtsova EA; Goleva SB; Blokland GAM; Traglia M; Walters RK; Hübel C; Coleman JRI; Breen G; Børglum AD; Demontis D; Grove J; Werge T; Bralten J; Bulik CM; Lee PH; Mathews CA; Peterson RE; Winham SJ; Wray N; Edenberg HJ; Guo W; Yao Y; Neale BM; Faraone SV; Petryshen TL; Weiss LA; Duncan LE; Goldstein JM; Smoller JW; Stranger BE; Davis LK; Sex Differences Cross-Disorder Analysis Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.; Biological psychiatry 2021 Jan 9
Meyers JL; Chorlian DB; Bigdeli TB; Johnson EC; Aliev F; Agrawal A; Almasy L; Anokhin A; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Goate A; Kamarajan C; Kinreich S; Nurnberger J; Pandey AK; Pandey G; Plawecki MH; Salvatore JE; Zhang J; Fanous A; Porjesz B; Translational psychiatry 2021 Jan 14
Palmer RHC; Johnson EC; Won H; Polimanti R; Kapoor M; Chitre A; Bogue MA; Benca-Bachman CE; Parker CC; Ursu O; Verma A; Reynolds T; Ernst J; Bray M; Kwon SB; Lai D; Quach BC; Gaddis NC; Saba L; Chen H; Hawrylycz M; Zhang S; Zhou Y; Mahaffey S; Fischer C; Sanchez-Roige S; Bandrowski A; Qing L; Shen L; Philip V; Gelernter J; Bierut LJ; Hancock DB; Edenberg HJ; Johnson EO; Nestler EJ; Barr PB; Prins P; Smith DJ; Akbarian S; Thorgeirsson T; Walton D; Baker E; Jacobson D; Palmer AA; Miles M; Chesler EJ; Emerson J; Agrawal A; Martone M; Williams RW; Genes, brain, and behavior 2021 Apr 23
Johnson EC; Demontis D; Thorgeirsson TE; Walters RK; Polimanti R; Hatoum AS; Sanchez-Roige S; Paul SE; Wendt FR; Clarke TK; Lai D; Reginsson GW; Zhou H; He J; Baranger DAA; Gudbjartsson DF; Wedow R; Adkins DE; Adkins AE; Alexander J; Bacanu SA; Bigdeli TB; Boden J; Brown SA; Bucholz KK; Bybjerg-Grauholm J; Corley RP; Degenhardt L; Dick DM; Domingue BW; Fox L; Goate AM; Gordon SD; Hack LM; Hancock DB; Hartz SM; Hickie IB; Hougaard DM; Krauter K; Lind PA; McClintick JN; McQueen MB; Meyers JL; Montgomery GW; Mors O; Mortensen PB; Nordentoft M; Pearson JF; Peterson RE; Reynolds MD; Rice JP; Runarsdottir V; Saccone NL; Sherva R; Silberg JL; Tarter RE; Tyrfingsson T; Wall TL; Webb BT; Werge T; Wetherill L; Wright MJ; Zellers S; Adams MJ; Bierut LJ; Boardman JD; Copeland WE; Farrer LA; Foroud TM; Gillespie NA; Grucza RA; Harris KM; Heath AC; Hesselbrock V; Hewitt JK; Hopfer CJ; Horwood J; Iacono WG; Johnson EO; Kendler KS; Kennedy MA; Kranzler HR; Madden PAF; Maes HH; Maher BS; Martin NG; McGue M; McIntosh AM; Medland SE; Nelson EC; Porjesz B; Riley BP; Stallings MC; Vanyukov MM; Vrieze S; Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Substance Use Disorders Workgroup.; Davis LK; Bogdan R; Gelernter J; Edenberg HJ; Stefansson K; Børglum AD; Agrawal A; 2020 Oct 20
Thapa KS; Chen AB; Lai D; Xuei X; Wetherill L; Tischfield JA; Liu Y; Edenberg HJ; 2020 Nov 17
Lai D; Kapoor M; Wetherill L; Schwandt M; Ramchandani VA; Goldman D; Chao M; Almasy L; Bucholz K; Hart RP; Kamarajan C; Meyers JL; Nurnberger JI; Tischfield J; Edenberg HJ; Schuckit M; Goate A; Scott DM; Porjesz B; Agrawal A; Foroud T; American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2020 Jul 11
Munn-Chernoff MA; Johnson EC; Chou YL; Coleman JRI; Thornton LM; Walters RK; Yilmaz Z; Baker JH; Hübel C; Gordon S; Medland SE; Watson HJ; Gaspar HA; Bryois J; Hinney A; Leppä VM; Mattheisen M; Ripke S; Yao S; Giusti-Rodríguez P; Hanscombe KB; Adan RAH; Alfredsson L; Ando T; Andreassen OA; Berrettini WH; Boehm I; Boni C; Boraska Perica V; Buehren K; Burghardt R; Cassina M; Cichon S; Clementi M; Cone RD; Courtet P; Crow S; Crowley JJ; Danner UN; Davis OSP; de Zwaan M; Dedoussis G; Degortes D; DeSocio JE; Dick DM; Dikeos D; Dina C; Dmitrzak-Weglarz M; Docampo E; Duncan LE; Egberts K; Ehrlich S; Escaramís G; Esko T; Estivill X; Farmer A; Favaro A; Fernández-Aranda F; Fichter MM; Fischer K; Föcker M; Foretova L; Forstner AJ; Forzan M; Franklin CS; Gallinger S; Giegling I; Giuranna J; Gonidakis F; Gorwood P; Gratacos Mayora M; Guillaume S; Guo Y; Hakonarson H; Hatzikotoulas K; Hauser J; Hebebrand J; Helder SG; Herms S; Herpertz-Dahlmann B; Herzog W; Huckins LM; Hudson JI; Imgart H; Inoko H; Janout V; Jiménez-Murcia S; Julià A; Kalsi G; Kaminská D; Karhunen L; Karwautz A; Kas MJH; Kennedy JL; Keski-Rahkonen A; Kiezebrink K; Kim YR; Klump KL; Knudsen GPS; La Via MC; Le Hellard S; Levitan RD; Li D; Lilenfeld L; Lin BD; Lissowska J; Luykx J; Magistretti PJ; Maj M; Mannik K; Marsal S; Marshall CR; Mattingsdal M; McDevitt S; McGuffin P; Metspalu A; Meulenbelt I; Micali N; Mitchell K; Monteleone AM; Monteleone P; Nacmias B; Navratilova M; Ntalla I; O'Toole JK; Ophoff RA; Padyukov L; Palotie A; Pantel J; Papezova H; Pinto D; Rabionet R; Raevuori A; Ramoz N; Reichborn-Kjennerud T; Ricca V; Ripatti S; Ritschel F; Roberts M; Rotondo A; Rujescu D; Rybakowski F; Santonastaso P; Scherag A; Scherer SW; Schmidt U; Schork NJ; Schosser A; Seitz J; Slachtova L; Slagboom PE; Slof-Op't Landt MCT; Slopien A; Sorbi S; Swiatkowska B; Szatkiewicz JP; Tachmazidou I; Tenconi E; Tortorella A; Tozzi F; Treasure J; Tsitsika A; Tyszkiewicz-Nwafor M; Tziouvas K; van Elburg AA; van Furth EF; Wagner G; W Addiction biology 2020 Feb 16
Hess JL; Tylee DS; Mattheisen M; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research (iPSYCH).; Børglum AD; Als TD; Grove J; Werge T; Mortensen PB; Mors O; Nordentoft M; Hougaard DM; Byberg-Grauholm J; Bækvad-Hansen M; Greenwood TA; Tsuang MT; Curtis D; Steinberg S; Sigurdsson E; Stefánsson H; Stefánsson K; Edenberg HJ; Holmans P; Faraone SV; Glatt SJ; Molecular psychiatry 2019 Sep 6
Rao X; Thapa KS; Chen AB; Lin H; Gao H; Reiter JL; Hargreaves KA; Ipe J; Lai D; Xuei X; Wang Y; Gu H; Kapoor M; Farris SP; Tischfield J; Foroud T; Goate AM; Skaar TC; Mayfield RD; Edenberg HJ; Liu Y; Molecular psychiatry 2019 Sep 2
Kinreich S; Meyers JL; Maron-Katz A; Kamarajan C; Pandey AK; Chorlian DB; Zhang J; Pandey G; Subbie-Saenz de Viteri S; Pitti D; Anokhin AP; Bauer L; Hesselbrock V; Schuckit MA; Edenberg HJ; Porjesz B; Molecular psychiatry 2019 Oct 8
Nurnberger JI Jr; Yang Z; Zang Y; Acion L; Bierut L; Bucholz K; Chan G; Dick DM; Edenberg HJ; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Rice JP; Schuckit M; 2019 Oct 25
Budde M; Friedrichs S; Alliey-Rodriguez N; Ament S; Badner JA; Berrettini WH; Bloss CS; Byerley W; Cichon S; Comes AL; Coryell W; Craig DW; Degenhardt F; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Forstner AJ; Frank J; Gershon ES; Goes FS; Greenwood TA; Guo Y; Hipolito M; Hood L; Keating BJ; Koller DL; Lawson WB; Liu C; Mahon PB; McInnis MG; McMahon FJ; Meier SM; Mühleisen TW; Murray SS; Nievergelt CM; Nurnberger JI Jr; Nwulia EA; Potash JB; Quarless D; Rice J; Roach JC; Scheftner WA; Schork NJ; Shekhtman T; Shilling PD; Smith EN; Streit F; Strohmaier J; Szelinger S; Treutlein J; Witt SH; Zandi PP; Zhang P; Zöllner S; Bickeböller H; Falkai PG; Kelsoe JR; Nöthen MM; Rietschel M; Schulze TG; Malzahn D; 2018 Nov 29
Walters RK; Polimanti R; Johnson EC; McClintick JN; Adams MJ; Adkins AE; Aliev F; Bacanu SA; Batzler A; Bertelsen S; Biernacka JM; Bigdeli TB; Chen LS; Clarke TK; Chou YL; Degenhardt F; Docherty AR; Edwards AC; Fontanillas P; Foo JC; Fox L; Frank J; Giegling I; Gordon S; Hack LM; Hartmann AM; Hartz SM; Heilmann-Heimbach S; Herms S; Hodgkinson C; Hoffmann P; Jan Hottenga J; Kennedy MA; Alanne-Kinnunen M; Konte B; Lahti J; Lahti-Pulkkinen M; Lai D; Ligthart L; Loukola A; Maher BS; Mbarek H; McIntosh AM; McQueen MB; Meyers JL; Milaneschi Y; Palviainen T; Pearson JF; Peterson RE; Ripatti S; Ryu E; Saccone NL; Salvatore JE; Sanchez-Roige S; Schwandt M; Sherva R; Streit F; Strohmaier J; Thomas N; Wang JC; Webb BT; Wedow R; Wetherill L; Wills AG; 23andMe Research Team.; Boardman JD; Chen D; Choi DS; Copeland WE; Culverhouse RC; Dahmen N; Degenhardt L; Domingue BW; Elson SL; Frye MA; Gäbel W; Hayward C; Ising M; Keyes M; Kiefer F; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Lucae S; Lynskey MT; Maier W; Mann K; Männistö S; Müller-Myhsok B; Murray AD; Nurnberger JI; Palotie A; Preuss U; Räikkönen K; Reynolds MD; Ridinger M; Scherbaum N; Schuckit MA; Soyka M; Treutlein J; Witt S; Wodarz N; Zill P; Adkins DE; Boden JM; Boomsma DI; Bierut LJ; Brown SA; Bucholz KK; Cichon S; Costello EJ; de Wit H; Diazgranados N; Dick DM; Eriksson JG; Farrer LA; Foroud TM; Gillespie NA; Goate AM; Goldman D; Grucza RA; Hancock DB; Harris KM; Heath AC; Hesselbrock V; Hewitt JK; Hopfer CJ; Horwood J; Iacono W; Johnson EO; Kaprio JA; Karpyak VM; Kendler KS; Kranzler HR; Krauter K; Lichtenstein P; Lind PA; McGue M; MacKillop J; Madden PAF; Maes HH; Magnusson P; Martin NG; Medland SE; Montgomery GW; Nelson EC; Nöthen MM; Palmer AA; Pedersen NL; Penninx BWJH; Porjesz B; Rice JP; Rietschel M; Riley BP; Rose R; Rujescu D; Shen PH; Silberg J; Stallings MC; Tarter RE; Vanyukov MM; Vrieze S; Wall TL; Whitfield JB; Zhao H; Neale BM; Gelernter J; Edenberg HJ; Agrawal A; 2018 Nov 26
Breuer R; Mattheisen M; Frank J; Krumm B; Treutlein J; Kassem L; Strohmaier J; Herms S; Mühleisen TW; Degenhardt F; Cichon S; Nöthen MM; Karypis G; Kelsoe J; Greenwood T; Nievergelt C; Shilling P; Shekhtman T; Edenberg H; Craig D; Szelinger S; Nurnberger J; Gershon E; Alliey-Rodriguez N; Zandi P; Goes F; Schork N; Smith E; Koller D; Zhang P; Badner J; Berrettini W; Bloss C; Byerley W; Coryell W; Foroud T; Guo Y; Hipolito M; Keating B; Lawson W; Liu C; Mahon P; McInnis M; Murray S; Nwulia E; Potash J; Rice J; Scheftner W; Zöllner S; McMahon FJ; Rietschel M; Schulze TG; 2018 Nov 11
Smoller JW; Andreassen OA; Edenberg HJ; Faraone SV; Glatt SJ; Kendler KS; Molecular psychiatry 2018 Jan 9
Meyers J; McCutcheon VV; Pandey AK; Kamarajan C; Subbie S; Chorlian D; Salvatore J; Pandey G; Almasy L; Anokhin A; Bauer L; Bender A; Dick DM; Edenberg HJ; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Agrawal A; Bucholz K; Porjesz B; 2018 Dec 20
McCutcheon VV; Agrawal A; Kuo SI; Su J; Dick DM; Meyers JL; Edenberg HJ; Nurnberger JI; Kramer JR; Kuperman S; Schuckit MA; Hesselbrock VM; Brooks A; Porjesz B; Bucholz KK; Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2017 Sep 6
Sullivan PF; Agrawal A; Bulik CM; Andreassen OA; Børglum AD; Breen G; Cichon S; Edenberg HJ; Faraone SV; Gelernter J; Mathews CA; Nievergelt CM; Smoller JW; O'Donovan MC; Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.; The American journal of psychiatry 2017 Oct 3
Wilcox HC; Fullerton JM; Glowinski AL; Benke K; Kamali M; Hulvershorn LA; Stapp EK; Edenberg HJ; Roberts GMP; Ghaziuddin N; Fisher C; Brucksch C; Frankland A; Toma C; Shaw AD; Kastelic E; Miller L; McInnis MG; Mitchell PB; Nurnberger JI Jr.; Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2017 Oct 10
Agrawal A; Chou YL; Carey CE; Baranger DAA; Zhang B; Sherva R; Wetherill L; Kapoor M; Wang JC; Bertelsen S; Anokhin AP; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Lynskey MT; Meyers JL; Nurnberger JI; Rice JP; Tischfield J; Bierut LJ; Degenhardt L; Farrer LA; Gelernter J; Hariri AR; Heath AC; Kranzler HR; Madden PAF; Martin NG; Montgomery GW; Porjesz B; Wang T; Whitfield JB; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Goate AM; Bogdan R; Nelson EC; Molecular psychiatry 2017 Nov 7
Andersen AM; Pietrzak RH; Kranzler HR; Ma L; Zhou H; Liu X; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Edenberg HJ; Nurnberger JI Jr; Rice JP; Tischfield JA; Goate A; Foroud TM; Meyers JL; Porjesz B; Dick DM; Hesselbrock V; Boerwinkle E; Southwick SM; Krystal JH; Weissman MM; Levinson DF; Potash JB; Gelernter J; Han S; JAMA psychiatry 2017 Nov 1
Hao Y; Xuei X; Li L; Nakshatri H; Edenberg HJ; Liu Y; Journal of computational biology : a journal of computational molecular cell biology 2017 May 25
Cho SB; Aliev F; Clark SL; Adkins AE; Edenberg HJ; Bucholz KK; Porjesz B; Dick DM; Behavior genetics 2017 Mar 25
Kuperman S; Chan G; Kramer J; Wetherill L; Acion L; Edenberg HJ; Foroud TM; Nurnberger J Jr; Agrawal A; Anokhin A; Brooks A; Hesselbrock V; Hesselbrock M; Schuckit M; Tischfield J; Liu X; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2017 Jun 28
Witt SH; Streit F; Jungkunz M; Frank J; Awasthi S; Reinbold CS; Treutlein J; Degenhardt F; Forstner AJ; Heilmann-Heimbach S; Dietl L; Schwarze CE; Schendel D; Strohmaier J; Abdellaoui A; Adolfsson R; Air TM; Akil H; Alda M; Alliey-Rodriguez N; Andreassen OA; Babadjanova G; Bass NJ; Bauer M; Baune BT; Bellivier F; Bergen S; Bethell A; Biernacka JM; Blackwood DHR; Boks MP; Boomsma DI; Børglum AD; Borrmann-Hassenbach M; Brennan P; Budde M; Buttenschøn HN; Byrne EM; Cervantes P; Clarke TK; Craddock N; Cruceanu C; Curtis D; Czerski PM; Dannlowski U; Davis T; de Geus EJC; Di Florio A; Djurovic S; Domenici E; Edenberg HJ; Etain B; Fischer SB; Forty L; Fraser C; Frye MA; Fullerton JM; Gade K; Gershon ES; Giegling I; Gordon SD; Gordon-Smith K; Grabe HJ; Green EK; Greenwood TA; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M; Guzman-Parra J; Hall LS; Hamshere M; Hauser J; Hautzinger M; Heilbronner U; Herms S; Hitturlingappa S; Hoffmann P; Holmans P; Hottenga JJ; Jamain S; Jones I; Jones LA; Juréus A; Kahn RS; Kammerer-Ciernioch J; Kirov G; Kittel-Schneider S; Kloiber S; Knott SV; Kogevinas M; Landén M; Leber M; Leboyer M; Li QS; Lissowska J; Lucae S; Martin NG; Mayoral-Cleries F; McElroy SL; McIntosh AM; McKay JD; McQuillin A; Medland SE; Middeldorp CM; Milaneschi Y; Mitchell PB; Montgomery GW; Morken G; Mors O; Mühleisen TW; Müller-Myhsok B; Myers RM; Nievergelt CM; Nurnberger JI; O'Donovan MC; Loohuis LMO; Ophoff R; Oruc L; Owen MJ; Paciga SA; Penninx BWJH; Perry A; Pfennig A; Potash JB; Preisig M; Reif A; Rivas F; Rouleau GA; Schofield PR; Schulze TG; Schwarz M; Scott L; Sinnamon GCB; Stahl EA; Strauss J; Turecki G; Van der Auwera S; Vedder H; Vincent JB; Willemsen G; Witt CC; Wray NR; Xi HS; Bipolar Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.; Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.; Tadic A; Dahmen N; Schott BH; Cichon S; Nöthen MM; Ripke S; Mobascher A; Rujescu D; Lie Translational psychiatry 2017 Jun 20
McCutcheon VV; Schuckit MA; Kramer JR; Chan G; Edenberg HJ; Smith TL; Bender AK; Hesselbrock V; Hesselbrock M; Bucholz KK; Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2017 Jul 6
Hulvershorn LA; King J; Monahan PO; Wilcox HC; Mitchell PB; Fullerton JM; Edenberg HJ; Roberts GMP; Kamali M; Glowinski AL; Ghaziuddin N; McInnis M; Iyer-Eimerbrink PA; Nurnberger JI Jr; Comprehensive psychiatry 2017 Jul 27
Bucholz KK; McCutcheon VV; Agrawal A; Dick DM; Hesselbrock VM; Kramer JR; Kuperman S; Nurnberger JI Jr; Salvatore JE; Schuckit MA; Bierut LJ; Foroud TM; Chan G; Hesselbrock M; Meyers JL; Edenberg HJ; Porjesz B; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2017 Jan 10
Meyers JL; Zhang J; Wang JC; Su J; Kuo SI; Kapoor M; Wetherill L; Bertelsen S; Lai D; Salvatore JE; Kamarajan C; Chorlian D; Agrawal A; Almasy L; Bauer L; Bucholz KK; Chan G; Hesselbrock V; Koganti L; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Manz N; Pandey A; Seay M; Scott D; Taylor RE; Dick DM; Edenberg HJ; Goate A; Foroud T; Porjesz B; Molecular psychiatry 2017 Jan 10
Agrawal A; Tillman R; Grucza RA; Nelson EC; McCutcheon VV; Few L; Conner KR; Lynskey MT; Dick DM; Edenberg HJ; Hesselbrock VM; Kramer JR; Kuperman S; Nurnberger JI Jr; Schuckit MA; Porjesz B; Bucholz KK; Journal of affective disorders 2017 Feb 3
Agrawal A; Edenberg HJ; Gelernter J; Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2016 Sep
Breen G; Li Q; Roth BL; O'Donnell P; Didriksen M; Dolmetsch R; O'Reilly PF; Gaspar HA; Manji H; Huebel C; Kelsoe JR; Malhotra D; Bertolino A; Posthuma D; Sklar P; Kapur S; Sullivan PF; Collier DA; Edenberg HJ; Nature neuroscience 2016 Oct 26
Chorlian DB; Rangaswamy M; Manz N; Meyers JL; Kang SJ; Kamarajan C; Pandey AK; Wang JC; Wetherill L; Edenberg H; Porjesz B; International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology 2016 Nov 12
Kapoor M; Chou YL; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Martin NG; Madden PA; Wang JC; Bertelsen S; Wetherill L; Brooks A; Chan G; Hesselbrock V; Kuperman S; Medland SE; Montgomery G; Tischfield J; Whitfield JB; Bierut LJ; Heath AC; Bucholz KK; Goate AM; Agrawal A; Translational psychiatry 2016 Mar 22
Shmulewitz D; Meyers JL; Wall MM; Aharonovich E; Frisch A; Spivak B; Weizman A; Edenberg HJ; Gelernter J; Hasin DS; Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2016 Mar
Anand A; McClintick JN; Murrell J; Karne H; Nurnberger JI; Edenberg HJ; Molecular neuropsychiatry 2016 Jun 29
Hou L; Bergen SE; Akula N; Song J; Hultman CM; Landén M; Adli M; Alda M; Ardau R; Arias B; Aubry JM; Backlund L; Badner JA; Barrett TB; Bauer M; Baune BT; Bellivier F; Benabarre A; Bengesser S; Berrettini WH; Bhattacharjee AK; Biernacka JM; Birner A; Bloss CS; Brichant-Petitjean C; Bui ET; Byerley W; Cervantes P; Chillotti C; Cichon S; Colom F; Coryell W; Craig DW; Cruceanu C; Czerski PM; Davis T; Dayer A; Degenhardt F; Del Zompo M; DePaulo JR; Edenberg HJ; Étain B; Falkai P; Foroud T; Forstner AJ; Frisén L; Frye MA; Fullerton JM; Gard S; Garnham JS; Gershon ES; Goes FS; Greenwood TA; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M; Hauser J; Heilbronner U; Heilmann-Heimbach S; Herms S; Hipolito M; Hitturlingappa S; Hoffmann P; Hofmann A; Jamain S; Jiménez E; Kahn JP; Kassem L; Kelsoe JR; Kittel-Schneider S; Kliwicki S; Koller DL; König B; Lackner N; Laje G; Lang M; Lavebratt C; Lawson WB; Leboyer M; Leckband SG; Liu C; Maaser A; Mahon PB; Maier W; Maj M; Manchia M; Martinsson L; McCarthy MJ; McElroy SL; McInnis MG; McKinney R; Mitchell PB; Mitjans M; Mondimore FM; Monteleone P; Mühleisen TW; Nievergelt CM; Nöthen MM; Novák T; Nurnberger JI Jr; Nwulia EA; Ösby U; Pfennig A; Potash JB; Propping P; Reif A; Reininghaus E; Rice J; Rietschel M; Rouleau GA; Rybakowski JK; Schalling M; Scheftner WA; Schofield PR; Schork NJ; Schulze TG; Schumacher J; Schweizer BW; Severino G; Shekhtman T; Shilling PD; Simhandl C; Slaney CM; Smith EN; Squassina A; Stamm T; Stopkova P; Streit F; Strohmaier J; Szelinger S; Tighe SK; Tortorella A; Turecki G; Vieta E; Volkert J; Witt SH; Wright A; Zandi PP; Zhang P; Zollner S; McMahon FJ; Human molecular genetics 2016 Jun 21
Olfson E; Bloom J; Bertelsen S; Budde JP; Breslau N; Brooks A; Culverhouse R; Chan G; Chen LS; Chorlian D; Dick DM; Edenberg HJ; Hartz S; Hatsukami D; Hesselbrock VM; Johnson EO; Kramer JR; Kuperman S; Meyers JL; Nurnberger J; Porjesz B; Saccone NL; Schuckit MA; Stitzel J; Tischfield JA; Rice JP; Goate A; Bierut LJ; Addiction biology 2016 Dec 29
Meyers JL; Zhang J; Manz N; Rangaswamy M; Kamarajan C; Wetherill L; Chorlian DB; Kang SJ; Bauer L; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Nurnberger JI Jr; Tischfield J; Wang JC; Edenberg HJ; Goate A; Foroud T; Porjesz B; International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology 2016 Dec 28
Li JJ; Cho SB; Salvatore JE; Edenberg HJ; Agrawal A; Chorlian DB; Porjesz B; Hesselbrock V; COGA Investigators.; Dick DM; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2016 Dec 19
Kamarajan C; Pandey AK; Chorlian DB; Manz N; Stimus AT; Edenberg HJ; Wetherill L; Schuckit M; Wang JC; Kuperman S; Kramer J; Tischfield JA; Porjesz B; International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology 2016 Dec 16
Hao Y; Zhang P; Xuei X; Nakshatri H; Edenberg HJ; Li L; Liu Y; BMC genomics 2016 Aug 22
McClintick JN; McBride WJ; Bell RL; Ding ZM; Liu Y; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2016 Apr 8
Schwantes-An TH; Zhang J; Chen LS; Hartz SM; Culverhouse RC; Chen X; Coon H; Frank J; Kamens HM; Konte B; Kovanen L; Latvala A; Legrand LN; Maher BS; Melroy WE; Nelson EC; Reid MW; Robinson JD; Shen PH; Yang BZ; Andrews JA; Aveyard P; Beltcheva O; Brown SA; Cannon DS; Cichon S; Corley RP; Dahmen N; Degenhardt L; Foroud T; Gaebel W; Giegling I; Glatt SJ; Grucza RA; Hardin J; Hartmann AM; Heath AC; Herms S; Hodgkinson CA; Hoffmann P; Hops H; Huizinga D; Ising M; Johnson EO; Johnstone E; Kaneva RP; Kendler KS; Kiefer F; Kranzler HR; Krauter KS; Levran O; Lucae S; Lynskey MT; Maier W; Mann K; Martin NG; Mattheisen M; Montgomery GW; Müller-Myhsok B; Murphy MF; Neale MC; Nikolov MA; Nishita D; Nöthen MM; Nurnberger J; Partonen T; Pergadia ML; Reynolds M; Ridinger M; Rose RJ; Rouvinen-Lagerström N; Scherbaum N; Schmäl C; Soyka M; Stallings MC; Steffens M; Treutlein J; Tsuang M; Wall TL; Wodarz N; Yuferov V; Zill P; Bergen AW; Chen J; Cinciripini PM; Edenberg HJ; Ehringer MA; Ferrell RE; Gelernter J; Goldman D; Hewitt JK; Hopfer CJ; Iacono WG; Kaprio J; Kreek MJ; Kremensky IM; Madden PA; McGue M; Munafò MR; Philibert RA; Rietschel M; Roy A; Rujescu D; Saarikoski ST; Swan GE; Todorov AA; Vanyukov MM; Weiss RB; Bierut LJ; Saccone NL; Behavior genetics 2015 Sep 21
Bell RL; Hauser SR; McClintick J; Rahman S; Edenberg HJ; Szumlinski KK; McBride WJ; Progress in molecular biology and translational science 2015 Nov 24
Long EC; Aliev F; Wang JC; Edenberg HJ; Nurnberger J Jr; Hesselbrock V; Porjesz B; Dick DM; Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2015 May
Agrawal A; Lynskey MT; Kapoor M; Bucholz KK; Edenberg HJ; Schuckit M; Brooks A; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Saccone N; Tischfield J; Bierut LJ; Drug and alcohol dependence 2015 Mar 4
Swaminathan S; Koller DL; Foroud T; Edenberg HJ; Xuei X; Niculescu AB 3rd; Bipolar Genome Study (BiGS) Consortium,.; Nurnberger JI Jr; Journal of affective disorders 2015 Mar 14
Salvatore JE; Aliev F; Bucholz K; Agrawal A; Hesselbrock V; Hesselbrock M; Bauer L; Kuperman S; Schuckit MA; Kramer J; Edenberg HJ; Foroud TM; Dick DM; Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science 2015 Mar
Chorlian DB; Rangaswamy M; Manz N; Kamarajan C; Pandey AK; Edenberg H; Kuperman S; Porjesz B; Behavioural brain research 2015 Jun 20
Kosobud AE; Wetherill L; Plawecki MH; Kareken DA; Liang T; Nurnberger JL; Windisch K; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Foroud TM; O'Connor SJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2015 Jun 19
Fullerton JM; Koller DL; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Liu H; Glowinski AL; McInnis MG; Wilcox HC; Frankland A; Roberts G; Schofield PR; Mitchell PB; Nurnberger JI; Bipolar High Risk Study Group, BiGS Consortium.; American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2015 Jul 16
Aliev F; Wetherill L; Bierut L; Bucholz KK; Edenberg H; Foroud T; COGA Investigators.; Dick DM; Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2015 Jan
Ament SA; Szelinger S; Glusman G; Ashworth J; Hou L; Akula N; Shekhtman T; Badner JA; Brunkow ME; Mauldin DE; Stittrich AB; Rouleau K; Detera-Wadleigh SD; Nurnberger JI Jr; Edenberg HJ; Gershon ES; Schork N; Bipolar Genome Study.; Price ND; Gelinas R; Hood L; Craig D; McMahon FJ; Kelsoe JR; Roach JC; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015 Feb 17
Sadler B; Haller G; Edenberg H; Tischfield J; Brooks A; Kramer J; Schuckit M; Nurnberger J; Goate A; PloS one 2015 Aug 13
Salvatore JE; Edwards AC; McClintick JN; Bigdeli TB; Adkins A; Aliev F; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Nurnberger JI; Schuckit M; Tischfield JA; Xuei X; Dick DM; Translational psychiatry 2015 Apr 28
Shanker S; Paulson A; Edenberg HJ; Peak A; Perera A; Alekseyev YO; Beckloff N; Bivens NJ; Donnelly R; Gillaspy AF; Grove D; Gu W; Jafari N; Kerley-Hamilton JS; Lyons RH; Tepper C; Nicolet CM; Journal of biomolecular techniques : JBT 2015 Apr
Wetherill L; Agrawal A; Kapoor M; Bertelsen S; Bierut LJ; Brooks A; Dick D; Hesselbrock M; Hesselbrock V; Koller DL; Le N; Nurnberger JI Jr; Salvatore JE; Schuckit M; Tischfield JA; Wang JC; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Porjesz B; Bucholz K; Goate AM; Foroud T; Addiction biology 2014 May 16
Criado JR; Gizer IR; Edenberg HJ; Ehlers CL; Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies 2014 Mar 3
Sadler B; Haller G; Agrawal A; Culverhouse R; Bucholz K; Brooks A; Tischfield J; Johnson EO; Edenberg H; Schuckit M; Saccone N; Bierut L; Goate A; Scientific reports 2014 Mar 28
Jairam S; Edenberg HJ; Gene 2014 Jun 24
Kapoor M; Wang JC; Wetherill L; Le N; Bertelsen S; Hinrichs AL; Budde J; Agrawal A; Almasy L; Bucholz K; Dick DM; Harari O; Xiaoling X; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Nurnberger JI Jr; Rice J; Schuckit M; Tischfield J; Porjesz B; Edenberg HJ; Bierut L; Foroud T; Goate A; Drug and alcohol dependence 2014 Jun 11
Nurnberger JI Jr; Koller DL; Jung J; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Guella I; Vawter MP; Kelsoe JR; Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Bipolar Group.; JAMA psychiatry 2014 Jun
McClintick JN; Brooks AI; Deng L; Liang L; Wang JC; Kapoor M; Xuei X; Foroud T; Tischfield JA; Edenberg HJ; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2014 Jul 22
Kilcoyne B; Shmulewitz D; Meyers JL; Aharonovich E; Greenstein E; Frisch A; Weizman A; Spivak B; Edenberg HJ; Gelernter J; Hasin DS; Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2014 Jul
Jairam S; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2014 Feb 11
McClintick JN; McBride WJ; Bell RL; Ding ZM; Liu Y; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 2014 Dec 24
Alam I; Padgett LR; Ichikawa S; Alkhouli M; Koller DL; Lai D; Peacock M; Xuei X; Foroud T; Edenberg HJ; Econs MJ; Bone 2014 Apr 18
Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Handbook of clinical neurology 2014
Wetherill L; Kapoor M; Agrawal A; Bucholz K; Koller D; Bertelsen SE; Le N; Wang JC; Almasy L; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Nurnberger JI Jr; Schuckit M; Tischfield JA; Xuei X; Porjesz B; Edenberg HJ; Goate AM; Foroud T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2013 Sep 9
McBride WJ; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Ding ZM; Hyytia P; Colombo G; Liang T; Edenberg HJ; Lumeng L; Bell RL; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2013 Oct 1
Agrawal A; Lynskey MT; Bucholz KK; Kapoor M; Almasy L; Dick DM; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Goate A; Hancock DB; Hartz S; Johnson EO; Hesselbrock V; Kramer JR; Kuperman S; Nurnberger JI Jr; Schuckit M; Bierut LJ; Drug and alcohol dependence 2013 Nov 16
Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology 2013 May 28
McBride WJ; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Ding ZM; Hauser SR; Edenberg HJ; Bell RL; Rodd ZA; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2013 May 25
Koller DL; Zheng HF; Karasik D; Yerges-Armstrong L; Liu CT; McGuigan F; Kemp JP; Giroux S; Lai D; Edenberg HJ; Peacock M; Czerwinski SA; Choh AC; McMahon G; St Pourcain B; Timpson NJ; Lawlor DA; Evans DM; Towne B; Blangero J; Carless MA; Kammerer C; Goltzman D; Kovacs CS; Prior JC; Spector TD; Rousseau F; Tobias JH; Akesson K; Econs MJ; Mitchell BD; Richards JB; Kiel DP; Foroud T; Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2013 Mar
Chambers RA; McClintick JN; Sentir AM; Berg SA; Runyan M; Choi KH; Edenberg HJ; Genes, brain, and behavior 2013 Jun 22
McBride WJ; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Ding ZM; Edenberg HJ; Liang T; Rodd ZA; Bell RL; Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 2013 Dec 16
McClintick JN; Xuei X; Tischfield JA; Goate A; Foroud T; Wetherill L; Ehringer MA; Edenberg HJ; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2013 Aug 24
Sarmah S; Muralidharan P; Curtis CL; McClintick JN; Buente BB; Holdgrafer DJ; Ogbeifun O; Olorungbounmi OC; Patino L; Lucas R; Gilbert S; Groninger ES; Arciero J; Edenberg HJ; Marrs JA; Biology open 2013 Aug 14
McBride WJ; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Ding ZM; Hyytia P; Colombo G; Edenberg HJ; Lumeng L; Bell RL; Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 2012 May 10
Plawecki MH; Wetherill L; Vitvitskiy V; Kosobud A; Zimmermann US; Edenberg HJ; O'Connor S; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2012 Jul 20
Zhou A; Breese MR; Hao Y; Edenberg HJ; Li L; Skaar TC; Liu Y; BMC genomics 2012 Dec 17
Jung J; Barrett PQ; Eckert GJ; Edenberg HJ; Xuei X; Tu W; Pratt JH; The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2012 Aug 14
Hurley TD; Edenberg HJ; Alcohol research : current reviews 2012
Edenberg HJ; Alcohol research : current reviews 2012
Edenberg HJ; Biological psychiatry 2011 Sep 15
Bierut LJ; Goate AM; Breslau N; Johnson EO; Bertelsen S; Fox L; Agrawal A; Bucholz KK; Grucza R; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Nurnberger J; Porjesz B; Saccone NL; Schuckit M; Tischfield J; Wang JC; Foroud T; Rice JP; Edenberg HJ; Molecular psychiatry 2011 Oct 4
Zhou FC; Zhao Q; Liu Y; Goodlett CR; Liang T; McClintick JN; Edenberg HJ; Li L; BMC genomics 2011 Feb 21
Pochareddy S; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2011 Dec 7
Le-Niculescu H; Case NJ; Hulvershorn L; Patel SD; Bowker D; Gupta J; Bell R; Edenberg HJ; Tsuang MT; Kuczenski R; Geyer MA; Rodd ZA; Niculescu AB; Translational psychiatry 2011 Apr 26
Herbert BS; Chanoux RA; Liu Y; Baenziger PH; Goswami CP; McClintick JN; Edenberg HJ; Pennington RE; Lipkin SM; Kopelovich L; Oncotarget 2010 Oct
Xuei X; Flury-Wetherill L; Dick D; Goate A; Tischfield J; Nurnberger J Jr; Schuckit M; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Hesselbrock V; Porjesz B; Foroud T; Edenberg HJ; American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2010 Mar 5
Staschke KA; Dey S; Zaborske JM; Palam LR; McClintick JN; Pan T; Edenberg HJ; Wek RC; The Journal of biological chemistry 2010 Mar 16
Edenberg HJ; Koller DL; Xuei X; Wetherill L; McClintick JN; Almasy L; Bierut LJ; Bucholz KK; Goate A; Aliev F; Dick D; Hesselbrock V; Hinrichs A; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Nurnberger JI Jr; Rice JP; Schuckit MA; Taylor R; Todd Webb B; Tischfield JA; Porjesz B; Foroud T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2010 Mar 1
Alam I; Carr LG; Liang T; Liu Y; Edenberg HJ; Econs MJ; Turner CH; Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2010 Jun
McBride WJ; Kimpel MW; Schultz JA; McClintick JN; Edenberg HJ; Bell RL; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2010 Jan 29
Liang T; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Skillman AR; McCall K; Edenberg HJ; Carr LG; Genome biology 2010 Feb 3
Koller DL; Ichikawa S; Lai D; Padgett LR; Doheny KF; Pugh E; Paschall J; Hui SL; Edenberg HJ; Xuei X; Peacock M; Econs MJ; Foroud T; The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2010 Feb 17
Pochareddy S; Edenberg HJ; Chemico-biological interactions 2010 Dec 17
Naguleswaran A; Elias EV; McClintick J; Edenberg HJ; Sullivan WJ Jr; PLoS pathogens 2010 Dec 16
Pochareddy S; Edenberg HJ; Gene 2010 Apr 2
Foroud T; Edenberg HJ; Crabbe JC; Alcohol research & health : the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 2010
Alam I; Sun Q; Koller DL; Liu L; Liu Y; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Turner CH; Functional & integrative genomics 2009 Oct 15
Alam I; Sun Q; Koller DL; Liu L; Liu Y; Edenberg HJ; Li J; Foroud T; Turner CH; Genomics 2009 May 29
Hurley JH; Ballard CJ; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2009 Mar 23
Bell RL; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Strother WN; Carr LG; Liang T; Rodd ZA; Mayfield RD; Edenberg HJ; McBride WJ; Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 2009 Aug 8
Wetherill L; Schuckit MA; Hesselbrock V; Xuei X; Liang T; Dick DM; Kramer J; Nurnberger JI Jr; Tischfield JA; Porjesz B; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2008 Sep 25
Ichikawa S; Koller DL; Curry LR; Lai D; Xuei X; Pugh EW; Tsai YY; Doheny KF; Edenberg HJ; Hui SL; Foroud T; Peacock M; Econs MJ; Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2008 Oct
Taylor MW; Tsukahara T; McClintick JN; Edenberg HJ; Kwo P; Journal of translational medicine 2008 Nov 5
Le-Niculescu H; McFarland MJ; Ogden CA; Balaraman Y; Patel S; Tan J; Rodd ZA; Paulus M; Geyer MA; Edenberg HJ; Glatt SJ; Faraone SV; Nurnberger JI; Kuczenski R; Tsuang MT; Niculescu AB; American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2008 Mar 5
Edenberg HJ; Wang J; Tian H; Pochareddy S; Xuei X; Wetherill L; Goate A; Hinrichs T; Kuperman S; Nurnberger JI Jr; Schuckit M; Tischfield JA; Foroud T; Human molecular genetics 2008 Mar 4
Zhang H; Rider SD Jr; Henderson JT; Fountain M; Chuang K; Kandachar V; Simons A; Edenberg HJ; Romero-Severson J; Muir WM; Ogas J; The Journal of biological chemistry 2008 Jun 6
Rodd ZA; Kimpel MW; Edenberg HJ; Bell RL; Strother WN; McClintick JN; Carr LG; Liang T; McBride WJ; Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 2008 Feb 26
Le-Niculescu H; Kurian SM; Yehyawi N; Dike C; Patel SD; Edenberg HJ; Tsuang MT; Salomon DR; Nurnberger JI Jr; Niculescu AB; Molecular psychiatry 2008 Feb 26
Jung J; Foroud TM; Eckert GJ; Flury-Wetherill L; Edenberg HJ; Xuei X; Zaidi SA; Pratt JH; The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2008 Dec 9
Ichikawa S; Koller DL; Curry LR; Lai D; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Hui SL; Peacock M; Foroud T; Econs MJ; Calcified tissue international 2008 Dec 18
Liu L; Foroud T; Xuei X; Berrettini W; Byerley W; Coryell W; El-Mallakh R; Gershon ES; Kelsoe JR; Lawson WB; MacKinnon DF; McInnis M; McMahon FJ; Murphy DL; Rice J; Scheftner W; Zandi PP; Lohoff FW; Niculescu AB; Meyer ET; Edenberg HJ; Nurnberger JI Jr; Psychiatric genetics 2008 Dec
Chu K; Koller DL; Ichikawa S; Snyder R; Curry L; Lai D; Austin A; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Hui SL; Foroud TM; Peacock M; Econs MJ; Bone 2008 Aug 8
Alam I; Sun Q; Liu L; Koller DL; Liu Y; Edenberg HJ; Econs MJ; Foroud T; Turner CH; Physiological genomics 2008 Aug 26
Foroud T; Wetherill LF; Kramer J; Tischfield JA; Nurnberger JI Jr; Schuckit MA; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2008 Apr 15
Wang G; Wang X; Wang Y; Yang JY; Li L; Nephew KP; Edenberg HJ; Zhou FC; Liu Y; BMC genomics 2008
Wang X; Wang G; Shen C; Li L; Wang X; Mooney SD; Edenberg HJ; Sanford JR; Liu Y; BMC genomics 2008
Humphreys TL; Li L; Li X; Janowicz DM; Fortney KR; Zhao Q; Li W; McClintick J; Katz BP; Wilkes DS; Edenberg HJ; Spinola SM; Infection and immunity 2007 Sep 24
Foroud T; Wetherill LF; Dick DM; Hesselbrock V; Nurnberger JI Jr; Kramer J; Tischfield J; Schuckit M; Bierut LJ; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2007 Sep 11
Xuei X; Flury-Wetherill L; Bierut L; Dick D; Nurnberger J Jr; Foroud T; Edenberg HJ; American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2007 Oct 5
Xuei X; Flury-Wetherill L; Almasy L; Bierut L; Tischfield J; Schuckit M; Nurnberger JI Jr; Foroud T; Edenberg HJ; Addiction biology 2007 Oct 2
Foroud T; Ichikawa S; Koller D; Lai D; Curry L; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Hui S; Peacock M; Econs MJ; Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA 2007 Oct 2
Travers JB; Edenberg HJ; Zhang Q; Al-Hassani M; Yi Q; Baskaran S; Konger RL; The Journal of investigative dermatology 2007 Oct 11
Le-Niculescu H; Balaraman Y; Patel S; Tan J; Sidhu K; Jerome RE; Edenberg HJ; Kuczenski R; Geyer MA; Nurnberger JI Jr; Faraone SV; Tsuang MT; Niculescu AB; American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2007 Mar 5
Kimpel MW; Strother WN; McClintick JN; Carr LG; Liang T; Edenberg HJ; McBride WJ; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2007 Mar
Taylor MW; Tsukahara T; Brodsky L; Schaley J; Sanda C; Stephens MJ; McClintick JN; Edenberg HJ; Li L; Tavis JE; Howell C; Belle SH; Journal of virology 2007 Jan 31
McClintick JN; Liu Y; Edenberg HJ; BMC proceedings 2007 Dec 18
Edenberg HJ; Xuei X; Wetherill LF; Bierut L; Bucholz K; Dick DM; Hesselbrock V; Kuperman S; Porjesz B; Schuckit MA; Tischfield JA; Almasy LA; Nurnberger JI Jr; Foroud T; Human molecular genetics 2007 Dec 12
Morral N; Edenberg HJ; Witting SR; Altomonte J; Chu T; Brown M; Journal of lipid research 2007 Apr 21
Carr LG; Kimpel MW; Liang T; McClintick JN; McCall K; Morse M; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2007 Apr 19
Foroud T; Wetherill LF; Liang T; Dick DM; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Nurnberger J; Schuckit M; Carr L; Porjesz B; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2007 Apr
Edenberg HJ; Alcohol research & health : the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 2007
Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Addiction biology 2006 Sep
Rodd ZA; Bertsch BA; Strother WN; Le-Niculescu H; Balaraman Y; Hayden E; Jerome RE; Lumeng L; Nurnberger JI Jr; Edenberg HJ; McBride WJ; Niculescu AB; The pharmacogenomics journal 2006 Oct 10
Liu Y; Taylor MW; Edenberg HJ; Genomics 2006 May 23
Rosen ED; Xuei X; Suckow M; Edenberg H; Blood cells, molecules & diseases 2006 Mar 9
Edenberg HJ; Xuei X; Chen HJ; Tian H; Wetherill LF; Dick DM; Almasy L; Bierut L; Bucholz KK; Goate A; Hesselbrock V; Kuperman S; Nurnberger J; Porjesz B; Rice J; Schuckit M; Tischfield J; Begleiter H; Foroud T; Human molecular genetics 2006 Mar 28
Dannenberg LO; Chen HJ; Tian H; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2006 Jun
Dannenberg LO; Edenberg HJ; BMC genomics 2006 Jul 19
Sanda C; Weitzel P; Tsukahara T; Schaley J; Edenberg HJ; Stephens MA; McClintick JN; Blatt LM; Li L; Brodsky L; Taylor MW; Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research 2006 Jul
McClintick JN; Edenberg HJ; BMC bioinformatics 2006 Jan 31
Ichikawa S; Johnson ML; Koller DL; Lai D; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Hui SL; Foroud TM; Peacock M; Econs MJ; Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA 2006 Jan 24
Xuei X; Dick D; Flury-Wetherill L; Tian HJ; Agrawal A; Bierut L; Goate A; Bucholz K; Schuckit M; Nurnberger J Jr; Tischfield J; Kuperman S; Porjesz B; Begleiter H; Foroud T; Edenberg HJ; Molecular psychiatry 2006 Aug 22
Sheridan C; Sadaria M; Bhat-Nakshatri P; Goulet R Jr; Edenberg HJ; McCarthy BP; Chang CH; Srour EF; Nakshatri H; Experimental hematology 2006 Aug
Ichikawa S; Koller DL; Johnson ML; Lai D; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Klein RF; Orwoll ES; Hui SL; Foroud TM; Peacock M; Econs MJ; Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2006 Apr 5
McClintick JN; Crabb DW; Tian H; Pinaire J; Smith JR; Jerome RE; Edenberg HJ; The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 2005 Sep 19
Dannenberg LO; Chen HJ; Edenberg HJ; DNA and cell biology 2005 Sep
Fong SL; Criswell MH; Belecky-Adams T; Fong WB; McClintick JN; Kao WW; Edenberg HJ; Experimental eye research 2005 Oct
Edenberg HJ; Kranzler HR; Pharmacology & therapeutics 2005 Oct
Bergeson SE; Berman AE; Dodd PR; Edenberg HJ; Hitzemann RJ; Lewohl JM; Lodowski KH; Sommer WH; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2005 Jun 1
Dick DM; Edenberg HJ; Xuei X; Goate A; Hesselbrock V; Schuckit M; Crowe R; Foroud T; American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2005 Jan 5
McBride WJ; Kerns RT; Rodd ZA; Strother WN; Edenberg HJ; Hashimoto JG; Wiren KM; Miles MF; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2005 Feb
Edenberg HJ; Strother WN; McClintick JN; Tian H; Stephens M; Jerome RE; Lumeng L; Li TK; McBride WJ; Genes, brain, and behavior 2005 Feb
Chen HJ; Tian H; Edenberg HJ; Human mutation 2005 Feb
Edenberg HJ; Bierut LJ; Boyce P; Cao M; Cawley S; Chiles R; Doheny KF; Hansen M; Hinrichs T; Jones K; Kelleher M; Kennedy GC; Liu G; Marcus G; McBride C; Murray SS; Oliphant A; Pettengill J; Porjesz B; Pugh EW; Rice JP; Rubano T; Shannon S; Steeke R; Tischfield JA; Tsai YY; Zhang C; Begleiter H; BMC genetics 2005 Dec 30
Tian H; Chen HJ; Cross TH; Edenberg HJ; Brain research. Molecular brain research 2005 Apr 8
Li Y; McClintick J; Zhong L; Edenberg HJ; Yoder MC; Chan RJ; Blood 2004 Sep 9
Koller DL; Ichikawa S; Johnson ML; Lai D; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Conneally PM; Hui SL; Johnston CC; Peacock M; Foroud T; Econs MJ; Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2004 Oct 25
Tian H; Edenberg HJ; Analytical biochemistry 2004 Mar 15
Edenberg HJ; Dick DM; Xuei X; Tian H; Almasy L; Bauer LO; Crowe RR; Goate A; Hesselbrock V; Jones K; Kwon J; Li TK; Nurnberger JI Jr; O'Connor SJ; Reich T; Rice J; Schuckit MA; Porjesz B; Foroud T; Begleiter H; American journal of human genetics 2004 Mar 12
Dick DM; Edenberg HJ; Xuei X; Goate A; Kuperman S; Schuckit M; Crowe R; Smith TL; Porjesz B; Begleiter H; Foroud T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2004 Jan
Dick DM; Li TK; Edenberg HJ; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Porjesz B; Bucholz K; Goate A; Nurnberger J; Foroud T; Molecular psychiatry 2004 Jan
Taylor MW; Grosse WM; Schaley JE; Sanda C; Wu X; Chien SC; Smith F; Wu TG; Stephens M; Ferris MW; McClintick JN; Jerome RE; Edenberg HJ; Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research 2004 Feb
Fleet JC; Wang L; Vitek O; Craig BA; Edenberg HJ; Physiological genomics 2003 Mar 18
Dean Rider S Jr; Henderson JT; Jerome RE; Edenberg HJ; Romero-Severson J; Ogas J; The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology 2003 Jul
McClintick JN; Jerome RE; Nicholson CR; Crabb DW; Edenberg HJ; BMC genomics 2003 Jan 30
Song J; Koller DL; Foroud T; Carr K; Zhao J; Rice J; Nurnberger JI Jr; Begleiter H; Porjesz B; Smith TL; Schuckit MA; Edenberg HJ; American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2003 Feb
Lee CH; Lasbury ME; Xuei X; Jerome RE; Edenberg HJ; Lu D; Durant PJ; Tschang D; The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology 2003
Carr LG; Foroud T; Stewart T; Castelluccio P; Edenberg HJ; Li TK; American journal of medical genetics 2002 Oct 1
Dick DM; Nurnberger J Jr; Edenberg HJ; Goate A; Crowe R; Rice J; Bucholz KK; Kramer J; Schuckit MA; Smith TL; Porjesz B; Begleiter H; Hesselbrock V; Foroud T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2002 Oct
Chen HJ; Carr K; Jerome RE; Edenberg HJ; DNA and cell biology 2002 Nov
Dick DM; Foroud T; Edenberg HJ; Miller M; Bowman E; Rau NL; DePaulo JR; McInnis M; Gershon E; McMahon F; Rice JP; Bierut LJ; Reich T; Nurnberger J Jr; American journal of medical genetics 2002 May 8
Edenberg HJ; Alcohol research & health : the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 2002
Nurnberger JI Jr; Foroud T; Flury L; Su J; Meyer ET; Hu K; Crowe R; Edenberg H; Goate A; Bierut L; Reich T; Schuckit M; Reich W; The American journal of psychiatry 2001 May
Zhou FC; Duguid JR; Edenberg HJ; McClintick J; Young P; Nelson P; Restorative neurology and neuroscience 2001
Foroud T; Edenberg HJ; Goate A; Rice J; Flury L; Koller DL; Bierut LJ; Conneally PM; Nurnberger JI; Bucholz KK; Li TK; Hesselbrock V; Crowe R; Schuckit M; Porjesz B; Begleiter H; Reich T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2000 Jul
Foroud T; Castelluccio PF; Koller DL; Edenberg HJ; Miller M; Bowman E; Rau NL; Smiley C; Rice JP; Goate A; Armstrong C; Bierut LJ; Reich T; Detera-Wadleigh SD; Goldin LR; Badner JA; Guroff JJ; Gershon ES; McMahon FJ; Simpson S; MacKinnon D; McInnis M; Stine OC; DePaulo JR; Blehar MC; Nurnberger JI Jr; American journal of medical genetics 2000 Feb 7
McClintick J; Edenberg HJ; BioTechniques 2000 Dec
Zhi X; Chan EM; Edenberg HJ; DNA and cell biology 2000 Aug
Edenberg HJ; Progress in nucleic acid research and molecular biology 2000
Zhang L; Zhao J; Edenberg HJ; Nucleic acids research 1999 Jul 15
Edenberg HJ; Jerome RE; Li M; Pharmacogenetics 1999 Feb
Carr LG; Foroud T; Bice P; Gobbett T; Ivashina J; Edenberg H; Lumeng L; Li TK; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1998 Jun
Kotagiri S; Edenberg HJ; DNA and cell biology 1998 Jul
Foroud T; Bucholz KK; Edenberg HJ; Goate A; Neuman RJ; Porjesz B; Koller DL; Rice J; Reich T; Bierut LJ; Cloninger CR; Nurnberger JI Jr; Li TK; Conneally PM; Tischfield JA; Crowe R; Hesselbrock V; Schuckit M; Begleiter H; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1998 Dec
Edenberg HJ; Reynolds J; Koller DL; Begleiter H; Bucholz KK; Conneally PM; Crowe R; Goate A; Hesselbrock V; Li TK; Nurnberger JI Jr; Porjesz B; Reich T; Rice JP; Schuckit M; Tischfield JA; Foroud T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1998 Aug
Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Koller DL; Goate A; Rice J; Van Eerdewegh P; Reich T; Cloninger CR; Nurnberger JI Jr; Kowalczuk M; Wu B; Li TK; Conneally PM; Tischfield JA; Wu W; Shears S; Crowe R; Hesselbrock V; Schuckit M; Porjesz B; Begleiter H; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1998 Apr
Li M; Edenberg HJ; DNA and cell biology 1998 Apr
Murrell JR; Koller D; Foroud T; Goedert M; Spillantini MG; Edenberg HJ; Farlow MR; Ghetti B; American journal of human genetics 1997 Nov
Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Conneally PM; Sorbel JJ; Carr K; Crose C; Willig C; Zhao J; Miller M; Bowman E; Mayeda A; Rau NL; Smiley C; Rice JP; Goate A; Reich T; Stine OC; McMahon F; DePaulo JR; Meyers D; Detera-Wadleigh SD; Goldin LR; Gershon ES; Blehar MC; Nurnberger JI Jr; American journal of medical genetics 1997 May 31
Chun KT; Edenberg HJ; Kelley MR; Goebl MG; Yeast (Chichester, England) 1997 Mar 15
Edenberg HJ; Brown CJ; Hur MW; Kotagiri S; Li M; Zhang L; Zhi X; Advances in experimental medicine and biology 1997
Crabb DW; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1996 Nov
Brown CJ; Zhang L; Edenberg HJ; DNA and cell biology 1996 Mar
Yu M; Edenberg HJ; Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 1995 Jan 10
Kedishvili NY; Bosron WF; Stone CL; Hurley TD; Peggs CF; Thomasson HR; Popov KM; Carr LG; Edenberg HJ; Li TK; The Journal of biological chemistry 1995 Feb 24
Hur MW; Edenberg HJ; The Journal of biological chemistry 1995 Apr 14
Edenberg HJ; Ho WH; Hur MW; Advances in experimental medicine and biology 1995
Brown CJ; Zhang L; Edenberg HJ; DNA and cell biology 1994 Mar
Thomasson HR; Crabb DW; Edenberg HJ; Li TK; Hwu HG; Chen CC; Yeh EK; Yin SJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1994 Jun
Yu M; Jerome RE; Edenberg HJ; Gene 1994 Apr 20
Edenberg HJ; Brown CJ; Zhang L; Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). Supplement 1994
Lin Z; Edenberg HJ; Carr LG; The Journal of biological chemistry 1993 May 15
Thomasson HR; Crabb DW; Edenberg HJ; Li TK; Behavior genetics 1993 Mar
Edenberg HJ; Brown CJ; Zhang L; Advances in experimental medicine and biology 1993
Edenberg HJ; Brown CJ; Pharmacogenetics 1992 Oct
Brown CJ; Baltz KA; Edenberg HJ; Gene 1992 Nov 16
Hur MW; Edenberg HJ; Gene 1992 Nov 16
Hur MW; Ho WH; Brown CJ; Goldman D; Edenberg HJ; DNA sequence : the journal of DNA sequencing and mapping 1992
Harrington MA; Edenberg HJ; Saxman S; Pedigo LM; Daub R; Broxmeyer HE; Gene 1991 Jun 30
Ehrig T; Hurley TD; Edenberg HJ; Bosron WF; Biochemistry 1991 Jan 29
Thomasson HR; Edenberg HJ; Crabb DW; Mai XL; Jerome RE; Li TK; Wang SP; Lin YT; Lu RB; Yin SJ; American journal of human genetics 1991 Apr
Hurley TD; Ehrig T; Edenberg HJ; Bosron WF; Advances in experimental medicine and biology 1991
Edenberg HJ; Brown CJ; Carr LG; Ho WH; Hur MW; Advances in experimental medicine and biology 1991
Edenberg HJ; Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). Supplement 1991
Hurley TD; Edenberg HJ; Bosron WF; The Journal of biological chemistry 1990 Sep 25
Carr LG; Edenberg HJ; The Journal of biological chemistry 1990 Jan 25
Crabb DW; Stein PM; Dipple KM; Hittle JB; Sidhu R; Qulali M; Zhang K; Edenberg HJ; Genomics 1989 Nov
Carr LG; Zhang K; Edenberg HJ; Gene 1989 May 30
Crabb DW; Edenberg HJ; Bosron WF; Li TK; The Journal of clinical investigation 1989 Jan
Carr LG; Xu Y; Ho WH; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1989 Aug
Zhang B; Edenberg HJ; Crabb DW; Harris RA; The Journal of clinical investigation 1989 Apr
Edenberg HJ; Dailey TL; Zhang K; Progress in clinical and biological research 1989
Zhang B; Kuntz MJ; Goodwin GW; Edenberg HJ; Crabb DW; Harris RA; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1989
Scaria A; Edenberg HJ; Mutation research 1988 Jan
Xu YL; Carr LG; Bosron WF; Li TK; Edenberg HJ; Genomics 1988 Apr
Zhang K; Bosron WF; Edenberg HJ; Gene 1987
Crabb DW; Edenberg HJ; Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). Supplement 1987
Patterson LS; Zhang K; Edenberg HJ; Bosron WF; Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). Supplement 1987
Desc: Valued Colleague Award
Scope: International
Date: 2022-09-13
Desc: Distinguished Professor
Scope: University
Date: 1905-07-04
Desc: Elected Fellow
Scope: International
Desc: Distinguished Researcher Award
Scope: International
Desc: Tharp Award for Research on Alcoholism
Scope: International
Desc: Faculty Teaching Award
Scope: School
Desc: Bicentennial Medal
Scope: University