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PhD Minor in Biomedical Science Teaching and Learning

This minor provides biomedical/life science IU PhD students at the Indianapolis campus a foundation in the theories and practices associated with teaching and facilitating learning for university-level life science students. Students who choose to complete this minor will take a common course in teaching and learning in the biomedical/life sciences, complete six credit hours of electives related to curriculum, teaching strategies, and assessment, and complete two hands-on experiences that will progressively increase your experience and skills related to teaching science in a university classroom.

Why a Minor in Teaching and Learning?

IU School of Medicine PhD programs excel in and focus on preparing graduate students for research and scientific careers.  For those who intend on either focusing on teaching in their career or want to develop their teaching skills, the minor provides additional education and training specific to how students learn and how to improve as future faculty instructors and mentors. This minor is designed to complement your scientific research training and to provide a foundation for future teaching experiences in graduate school, a postdoctoral position, or a full-time faculty position.

Minor Requirements

Required Classroom Course (3 credit hours)

GRDM-T721 Teaching and Learning in the Biomedical/ Life Sciences
3 credit hours – offered every fall semester

Required Hands-On Experiences (3 credit hours)

First Experience - choose one:
  • GRDM-T751: Teaching & Curricular Assistant Experience in Biomedical Science
    1 credit hour – offered fall, spring, and summer semesters
  • MICR-J710: Practical Training in Teaching Clinical Microbiology and Immunology
    1 credit hour – offered spring semesters

Second Experience - choose one:

  • GRDM-T752: Supervised Co-Teaching in Biomedical Sciences
    2 credit hours – offered fall, spring, and summer semesters
  • ANAT-D878: Anatomy Teaching Practicum
    2 credit hours - offered fall, spring, and summer semesters

Electives in Teaching, Learning, Curriculum, and Assessment

Consult with a faculty minor advisor to learn about the options offered through the IUPUI School of Education and other options.

Learn more about the minor

Contact us using the information below, and either we will help you directly or connect you with someone who can best answer your question!

Jessica Byram, PhD – Lead Minor Advisor
Lauren Easterling, PhD – Course Director for GRDM-T721, T751, and T752