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Chemical biology and biotherapeutics focus on basic chemical research of fundamental importance to precision health.

Chemical Biology and Biotherapeutics

The chemical biology and biotherapeutics scientific pillar carries out basic chemical research of fundamental importance to precision health, investigating the cellular processes that are impacted by aberrations in gene expression or protein function. Understanding the relationships between gene expression and protein activity is fundamental to our ability to identify and develop patient-specific therapeutics or diagnostic agents.

Quantitative Multi Omics Analysis

To investigate drug resistance in cancer biology, comprehensive understanding of changes in cellular components during disease is necessary. Precision health research is investing in both analytical instrumentation for mass spectrometry, and acquisition of state-of-the art multi omics datasets suitable for applying data-mining algorithms. Quantitative analyses based on such datasets can identify novel pathways and molecular targets for therapeutic development and application.

Structural Biology and Molecular Target Validation

In order to develop selective drugs, molecular modelling of membrane protein structural biology and proteostasis is critical. Precision health research aims to synergize existing capabilities in basic research at IU Bloomington (NMR spectroscopy, crystallization robotics, high throughput screening, cryo-EM and cryo-electron tomography, and imaging) and clinical science at IU School of Medicine (neuroscience proteostasis, cancer biology and pathway modulation, and in chemoproteomics).

TREAT-AD Center and Alzheimer Disease Initiatives

Building on Indiana University School of Medicine’s well-established expertise in Alzheimer’s disease research, the Target Enablement to Accelerate Therapy Development for Alzheimer’s Disease (TREAT-AD) drug discovery center is working to address challenges in discovering new therapeutic targets and drugs for the disease and accelerate development of promising new treatments.

Triple negative breast cancer immunotherapy initiative

The Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) Immunotherapy Initiative Team is working on pilot projects and developing technical platforms involving big data sciences, bioinformatics, preclinical modeling, and chemical biology for TNBC immunotherapy research and therapeutic strategies.


How do scientists discover new drugs?

The Alzheimer’s disease drug discovery center investigates novel drug targets for Alzheimer’s disease with the goal of increasing our understanding of how to combat the disease and discovering innovative molecules that might someday be developed into new medicines for patients in need.

42911-Palkowitz, Alan

Alan Palkowitz, PhD

Senior Research Professor of Medicine

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Michael S. VanNieuwenhze

Michael VanNieuwenhze, PhD

Standiford H. Cox Professor of Chemistry

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