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Enrolled Participants

The CARE Consortium follows male and female NCAA student athletes and military service cadets from 30 institutions across the United States for a multi-year period. Participants undergo a comprehensive preseason evaluation for concussion and are monitored in the event of an injury. A subset of participants are engaged in more advanced studies which include blood biospecimen collection, neuroimaging and head impact measurement.


Current and former participants of the CARE study are encouraged to contact the individual identified on their study Informed Consent Statement. All other questions regarding participation may be directed to the CARE Administrative and Operations Core.
30 participating organizations
41833 athletes and cadets enrolled
3038 concussions captured

Leading Institutions

Contact: Nicole Johnson

Contact: Ashley Rettmann

Participating Sites

Below are the participating organizations of the CARE Consortium:

Contact: April Reed

Contact: Joseph Hazzard

Contact: Louise Kelly

Contact: Justus Ortega

Contact: Nicholas Port

Contact: Margot Putukian

Contact: Chris Giza

Contact: Holly Benjamin

Contact: Luis Feigenbaum

Contact: Jason Mihalik

Contact: Scott Anderson

Contact: Sara Chrisman

Contact: Alison Brooks

Contact: Ken Cameron

Contact: Stephen Duma

Contact: Chris Miles

Contact: Brian Dykhuizen

Contact: Laura Lintner

Additional Collaborators

The CARE Consortium also partners with the Datalys Center, Inc., and QuesGen Systems.