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Frequently Asked Questions

The MSMS program is a two-year, 36 credit hour program with coursework at the graduate level.

You must complete and submit the MSMS Program pre-application for review first. If you meet the program requirements, you will be invited to complete an application. Some students who apply to IU School of Medicine’s MD program using the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) may be counseled to consider the MSMS opportunity. You will receive an invitation for an interview if you meet the application requirements for admission to the program. Please note, this program is for educationally and economically disadvantaged students only.

Applications for the MSMS Program are accepted annually from September 1 – March 31. Interested applicants who are still pursuing a bachelor’s degree should apply during their senior year as an undergraduate, as a bachelor’s degree is required and must be conferred prior to the starting the program in June.

Eligible applicants whose GPA is close to 3.0 should submit the pre-application as many factors are reviewed to determine an invitation to apply to the program.

A pre-application is required of ALL applicants to verify eligibility. Eligible pre-applicants are invited to officially apply to the program via email within one week of submission. Official applicants are periodically reviewed contingent upon the number received. Upon review of the official applications, eligible applicants are invited to interview.

On-campus, full day interviews are required for each invited applicant, and are held monthly from January through April. They include informational sessions, a tour of the IU School of Medicine-Indianapolis campus, and an interview with members of the Admissions Committee. Applicants are notified within one week of the committee’s decision.

The program may offer limited application fee waiver assistance upon applicant’s request.

Scholarship awards are also available.

Information regarding the cost of the MSMS Program can be found on the IU Indianapolis Student Central website. Direct loans are available through the Office of Medical Student Affairs in Student Financial Services. Contact Jose Espada for more information.

It is recommended that MSMS students not be employed while completing the program.

A maximum of 25 students are accepted into the program annually. Smaller groups provide the opportunity for more individualized assistance.

Yes. All admitted students are required to complete this intensive summer program before starting the graduate MSMS curriculum in the fall semester.

No. Re-application to medical school is required. Faculty and staff advise and assist MSMS students in the application process and in preparation for the MCAT.

MSMS graduates are also prepared for careers requiring broad knowledge in the basic biomedical sciences. Some of the course work in the MSMS Program is transferable toward degree requirements in other graduate or professional programs.

MCAT - $320 in 2020; late registration $370; Covers cost of exam and distribution of your scores
Test Preparation – Self-study vs MCAT Course/Tutoring can range from $100 to $1,500
AMCAS Application – First school is $170 and each additional application is $40 per school
Interview Attire – Varies, utilize second hand or consignment shops for nice interview attire. Expense is determined by your budget.

The American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) is the AAMC’s centralized medical school application processing service. Regardless of the number of medical schools to which you apply, you submit just one online application to AMCAS. Most U.S. medical schools use AMCAS as the primary application method for their entering classes.