Department of Medicine Report

It is terrific to welcome you to this review of the Department of Medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine. We are a large and diverse department, encompassing more than 1,900 faculty members across ten specialty divisions and nine regional campuses of the country’s largest medical school.

In this concise report, you will find evidence of a thriving department with a growth mindset and a positive trajectory in our major domains of medical education, clinical care, and discovery. None of our success would be possible without the support and leadership of our department and division staff, who deserve more kudos than we could ever bestow.

I hope this document is helpful to you as a primer to learn more about the exciting work being done to advance human health in Indiana and beyond. We strive to be leaders in all we do, and this report provides just a small sampling of our success. Thank you for your interest in the Department of Medicine!

David M. Aronoff, MD, FIDSA, FAAM
John B. Hickam Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Medicine


Read the 2022 Annual Report

Cover of Dept. of Medicine Annual Report 2022. Top photo is a group of trainees talking. Bottom photo is a physician preparing to perform a procedure.