This database was established to provide all members of the Department of Medicine with access to formal recognition opportunities both internal and external to our organization. Additionally, each opportunity includes a section to monitor nominations for awards and their acceptance status. If any recognition opportunity is absent from our database, please refer to the instructions below on how to add it.

Recognition Opportunities & Nomination Tracking Database

Illustration of two woman looking at a paperThis database was established to provide all members (such as Faculty, Staff, Learners, etc.) of the Department of Medicine with access to formal recognition opportunities both internal (within IU and IUH/P) and external to our organization. Additionally, each opportunity includes a section to monitor nominations for awards and their acceptance status. If any recognition opportunity is absent from our database, please refer to the instructions below on how to add it. 

There are two links to access this database: one for employees with IU system access (internal link) and one for those without IU system access (external link), which is a view only version of the database. Those with IU system access will be able to add new recognition opportunities to the database and/or assign a nominee to an opportunity. Those without IU system access, please notify your Service Line Administrator, they can make these changes for you in the database.


Download a PDF version of these instructions

Internal Access to Recognition Website

External Access to Recognition Website

Database Instructions

Utilize the following URL: Recognition Opportunities & Nominations Tracking

*Please note this does require IU Login authentication credentials.

You can search to see if the opportunity already exists via common filters. The Award name textbox is inclusive, but you may need to use other terms depending on how it was entered, you can always hit search with no parameter conditions and the full list will be returned.

If the opportunity is not found, click the Add New Recognition Opportunity button in the upper area banner highlighted.

This will redirect you to a new page to enter the recognition opportunity details. After all areas are filled in – please click on the submit button to route to the committee for review and approval. The committee will receive an email to review. After the opportunity is approved, you can add nominees.

Search for the recognition opportunity.

Once you have found the recognition opportunity click on the Award Name link in the search results grid to view the details.

On the details page scroll down to the Nominees area to Add a New Nominee.

A modal window will appear for you to enter the person’s name and an autocomplete list will populate for you to select. Then enter the Nomination year and whether they have won the award Yes/No, if unknown you can select No. Then click Add Nominee and Close, you will see them populated in the results listing.


External Access

For those who do not have an IU account – they can utilize the external access side of the Recognition and Opportunities area. Please note: Adding records and updating are limited from this view.

Security Role Types:

Committee Admin Role – will manage and approve recognition opportunities.

Department Core Role – will add new recognition opportunities and add nominees to approved opportunities.

Nominee Role – those persons who have been added to a recognition opportunity.