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The Imaging and Flow Cytometry Core facility at IU School of Medicine strives to improve population health by facilitating biomedical research

Imaging and Flow Cytometry

The IU School of Medicine Imaging and Flow Cytometry Core facility, located on the school’s South Bend campus, operates a laser core facility in Raclin-Carmichael and Harper halls which houses multiple types of laser-scanning equipment that are available to all faculty and staff of IU School of Medicine and the University of Notre Dame. The Imaging and Flow Cytometry Core is a member of the CTSI Resource Core Group.

With modern equipment and a mission to improve population health by facilitating biomedical research, the Imaging and Flow Cytometry Core facility at IU School of Medicine—South Bend partners with faculty investigators to advance their studies. This service core is an Indiana CTSI core facility open to investigators from Indiana University, Purdue University and University of Notre Dame.

Equipment Scheduling

Use of equipment at the Imaging and Flow Cytometry Core facility is on a first-come, first-served basis based on calendar sign up.


The latest Zeiss confocal microscope is configured on an inverted microscope equipped with 4 Zeiss objectives: EC PlnN 10X/1.3 na, 1.11um resolution AIR; LD LCI PlnApo 25X/0.8 na, 0.42um resolution WATER, OIL, GLYCEROL; ECPlnN 40X/1.3 na, 0.26um resolution OIL; Pln Apo 63X/1.4na, 0.24um resolution OIL. The confocal is equipped with three lasers: a 488nm argon laser, a 561nm diode laser and a 633 HeNe laser and is capable of up to 10 dye simultaneous detection over the entire wavelength range (in 3nm intervals). The microscope is operated directly by a TFT touch display or via the accompanying ZEN software, which is used for image acquisition and analysis. Transmitted halogen light and UV mercury epifluorescence are filtered with GFP, RFP and DIC filter sets.

The Beckman Coulter FC500 flow cytometer is an advanced cytometer equipped with two laser lines: 488nm and 633nm. The cytometer is capable of up to five color simultaneous detection:

The Olympus FV1000 2-photon confocal microscope is equipped with tungsten and halogen visible light sources and four lasers: argon 458nm, 488nm, 515nm; HeNe 543 nm; red diode 635; and a Mai Tai DeepSee titanium-sapphire 690-1040nm. The microscope has two cube filter sets allowing for distinct spectral configurations: Cube Set 1: 460-500, 520-560, 575-625, 650-700 and Cube Set 2: 425-465, 500-550, 575-625, 650-700.