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Radiologic and Imaging Sciences Undergraduate Degrees

Undergraduate students have the opportunity to enter the field of radiology through three unique bachelor and associate degree programs at IU School of Medicine. Part of the Health Professions Programs, students can train in radiography, nuclear medicine technology or medical imaging technology. The programs teach students to communicate effectively and think critically amid several radiology procedures and tests, enabling a capacity to thrive in clinical and professional settings for years to come.


Undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in radiology are encouraged to apply through IU School of Medicine’s Health Professions Programs.
Two female faculty members smile while studying.

Associate of Science in Radiography

Radiography students at IU School of Medicine learn to perform radiographic procedures and X-ray examinations, as well as apply principles of radiation protection as a skilled radiologic technologist.

22 months to complete degrees
100 percent of graduates pass boards
1300 clinical hours per student
An image of radioactive protective gear.

Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology

Graduates of the nuclear medicine technology program have the technical proficiency in all skills necessary to fulfill the role as a nuclear medicine technologist.

Nuclear Medicine
A female student practices an ultrasound while a female faculty member observes.

Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging Technology

Unlike other programs in Indiana, IU School of Medicine offers a bachelor’s degree in medical imaging technology, allowing students to complete additional credentialing and be more prepared for future careers in the field of radiology.

Medical Imaging
A large group of students pose for a photo in London.

Study Abroad

Each year, imaging sciences students are eligible to apply to take a study abroad elective, a one-hour course where students travel to an international location and explore the ways in which different radiologic procedures are performed.

Four faculty members pose for a photo.


Undergraduate students in the radiologic and imaging sciences shadow expert faculty members with decades of experience in the field of radiology.