Exam Retake
Students can retake one clerkship exam
Remediation of clerkship exam failures (ID-MK) count as the student’s one retake.
Retakes will be scheduled May 2, 2025 (Class of 2026) or May 1, 2026 (Class of 2027) and students can sign up for one retake (if they haven’t remediated an exam).
These retakes should be used to raise your grade eligibility based on NBME score and will be scheduled after all final clerkship exams are taken, but before all grades are posted.
There are no alternative dates provided for the NBME retake.
Exam Failures (Remediation)
Students who fail the clerkship exam and remediate will only be eligible for PASS and not HIGH PASS or HONORS for the clerkship
All deficiency (ID-MK) grades are reported to the Student Promotion Committee (SPC).
SPC will review that grade at the next scheduled meeting and determine any changes in the student’s academic standing.
Students with prior academic deficiencies may be asked to meet with the committee at a future meeting.
Students will be allowed to continue with their scheduled clerkships after one clerkship exam failure.
Students will study a minimum of four weeks for their exam without other obligations and will take the exam on a scheduled clerkship exam date.
Students who accumulate a second deficiency (ID-MK) will be paused in their clerkships until all deficiencies are passed/remediated. A single incomplete related to not taking the NBME exam combined with a previous ID-MK will be handled in the same manner.
Students will study a minimum of four weeks for each exam without other obligations and will take exams on scheduled clerkship exam dates.
Students must pass both exams to return to their schedule
Additional exam failures (ID-MK) will lead to additional actions by SPC including a requirement to meet with the committee.
Students who fail remediation exams will fail the clerkship and will need to repeat the entire clerkship. May 12, 2025 (Class of 2026) and May 11, 2026 (Class of 2027) will will be reserved for remediation exams that were not able to be completed during the Phase 2 year. Students taking remediation exams on this date will not be allowed to schedule any clerkships or electives during Rotation 1A of Phase 3.
Vouchers are a required mid-point quiz that will count for 2-3% of the clerkship grade that will help students determine their knowledge base and their areas for improvement.
Students who are concerned about their mid-point performance and readiness for the NBME should consult with the clerkship director about how to best prepare for the exam and can consult with Abigail Klemsz, MD, PhD, assistant dean for student affairs and director of advising.
Comprehensive Clinical Science Exam
All students are required to take the CCSE to help prepare them for Step 2 CK. The CCSE will be offered in-person on the following dates in preparation for the Step 2 CK exam:
- Class of 2026: March 28, 2025, and April 29, 2025
- Class of 2027: April 29, 2026. For the Class of 2027, students who are scheduled to take Step 2 prior to April 29, 2026, may request a voucher for a CCSSA from Dr. Klemsz(aklemsz@iu.edu).
All students must take the CCSE or CCSSA on the dates that are listed. No alternative dates will be offered.